ArtistsEvents / Exhibitions

Street artist : Fafi

Originally from Toulouse, the omnipresence of Fafi in the world of art and graffiti was first noticed on the walls of his hometown in 1994.
At that time, her sexy and amusing, sometimes aggressive, female characters caught the eye of the world and contributed to the emergence of a whole new graphic language.

Exploring femininity through its stereotypes, using them to her advantage, Fafi captured the attention of a wide audience and began to travel around the world, with thousands of Fafinettes in her brushes and paint pots.

Quickly, Sony offers her to draw 6 characters for the collection of toys “Time Capsules”, an evolution of his characters in 3 dimensions almost natural. Other figurines will be born, as well as numerous exhibitions and collaborations with Colette, Adidas, LeSportSac, Coca Cola, and multiple articles in the most prestigious magazines (Vogue, Elle, The Face, XLR8R, Yen, etc.)

The world of 3D animation is starting to make eyes in the video of Mark Ronson featuring a Lily Allen “fafinettisée”. Fafi’s multi-faceted work is documented in her books GIRLS ROCK (2003) and LOVE AND FAFINESS (2006).

In 2007, Fafi entered a new phase. As a mother and now living in Paris, this has introduced a new dimension into her creations. The Fafinettes are not only cool girls, but they also control a whole universe populated by creatures, houses and vehicles. This universe is called The Carmine Vault. It’s an imaginary and curious world. Welcome aboard.

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